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3,2,1 the challenge has started! From 26 to 29 February, 31 young “businessmen” and “businesswomen” selected by EucA coming from 7 different Colleges around Europe, met for the first time in Bonn, Germany to be trained on the topics required to start working at the Idomeni Social Business Challenge.

The purpose of the challenge is to create a proper marketing plan and a creative and catchy website for the greek NGO, NAOMI to make reality its aspiration: to become a social enterprise by employing refugees in a textile social business.

In Bonn, the seven teams took part in panels and workshops designed to give them all the tools to develop the Business plan and the website. They learnt how to make sense of financial data, how to build a persona, how to create a WIX website, what are the characteristics of a social business and how the latter is different from a traditional enterprise.

Moreover the students had the great privilege to talk with experts as UNHCR’s spokesperson in Germany, Dr. Melzer about the situation of refugees in Europe and with Styilanee Parascha, founder of the Fashion Revolution Movement in Luxembourg. The Fashion Revolution Movement is a very interesting reality that has as main purpose the improvement of the critical situation of all the people involved in the fashion business around the world.

During the three days, a great emphasis was put on improving many soft skills of the participants. Ice breaking activities, a funny social media battle, hands-on sessions and active participation in the workshops helped the students to develop their public speaking, critical thinking, teamwork and creative skills while also connecting and making friends with peers from all over Europe. “A great meeting, there were many different points of view on the most different topics” was one of the comments received.

Who, among the 7 teams, Romans (Fondazione Rui Collalto and Celimontano, Rome, Italy), Odysseys (Transilvania), 4Award (Collegio Nuovo, Pavia, Italy), Lentejas (Residencia Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Madrid, Spain), Monterroni (IPE Collegio Monterrone and Collegio Villalta, Naples, Italy), Cidizens (Corvinus IT Students’ Association, Budapest, Hungary) and D.R.E.A.M. (Collegio Don Nicola Mazza, Padua (Italy) will be able to better help NOAMI growing and becoming famous? The competition is open! 

Follow us on social media and support your favorite team!


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