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Concurrent sessions

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How are Polish Universities Supporting Student Psychological Needs? The Role of Staff and Institutional Practices Outside the Classroom

Rene Henry, PHD student |

​​University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

This research explores how staff’s role and institutional practices outside the classroom support the basic psychological needs of Polish university students. Through Self-Determination Theory, the presenter will frame student interactions with their institutions and non-teaching staff, their views on the importance of support from these sources, and behaviors that either sustain or thwart their basic needs.

Introduction to Restorative Practices: A Global Approach to Reducing Harm and Restoring Relationships

Denise Simpson, Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students | University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States

When students feel a sense of belonging, they are more likely to be retained and have better mental health outcomes. Harmful incidents, such as bias, college policy violations, or interpersonal conflicts, disrupt this sense of belonging. This session overviews restorative practices for repairing harm and rebuilding campus communities, highlighting key strategies, challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned.

Supporting Students and Colleagues Through Challenging Times

Miguel Trevino, Director of Student Affairs | Texas A&M University at Qatar, Qatar

From world conflicts to campus closures, global events can have a significant impact not only on students, but on colleagues as well.

Presenter(s) from Texas A&M at Qatar will share information about the mechanisms other student affairs professionals can implement when difficult or challenging news impacts students' and colleagues' well-being.

Join the presenter(s) in sharing ideas about what staff can do for students and each other to navigate these troublesome times.

Mental Health Partnerships and Strategy

Ben Lewis, Director of Student Life | The Open University in Wales, United Kingdom

This presentation will explore working in partnership with healthcare providers in the context of a 'whole institution' approach to mental health. It will include student-patient data which evidences the success of a new partnership between universities and the UK's National Health Service, in South Wales, UK. It will set this in the context of an evidence based 'to do' list for universities and other education providers to think about as we work together to address student wellbeing needs now and into the future.

Innovative Eating Disorder Recovery Programme 

Cristina Galvin, Student Counsellor & Psychotherapist | University of Galway, Ireland

Eating disorders (EDs) are the cause of serious disability, with risk for future depression, suicide, and death. The fact that 95% of ED cases occur in the 12-25 age group and that most go untreated, makes the college-age population an important target for treatment measures. Incidence increased internationally during the pandemic, but markedly so in Ireland and especially among adolescents.


The University of Galway Eating Disorders Recovery Programme seeks to address ED service gaps. Evaluation confirmed effectiveness with a majority of participants making significant changes in reducing ED behaviors. It is hoped the programme may be widely replicated.

Enhancing Student Experiences: A Case Study of UHasselt's New Collaborative Approach Fostering a Culture of Belonging

Saskia Bas, Director of Educational Coordination and Student Affairs | UHasselt, Belgium

This session will give participants insight into how UHasselt, Belgium, creates an institution-wide collaboration between student support services and peers. We will discuss a few practices (i.e., Student Point, Buddy Programme, testimonials in info sessions, feedback on new initiatives) and the way we embed them in our regular offer.

Katrien Vanheusden, Head of Student Services | UHasselt, Belgium

Developing the Check-In Campaign for Students in the School of Medicine

Simone Cameron-Coen, Student Welfare and Support Officer | Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

The presenter will share the development of an interactive mental-wellbeing campaign aimed at the students in the School of Medicine in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The presenter will include the basis for the campaign, the materials developed, and the communication tools used. The presenter will share the process, challenges, and successes of co-creation with students, and collaboration with colleagues in the Student Support Services.

Student Communities in Constant State of Crisis: How to Help Them Heal

Judith Zylla-Woellner, Director of the Student Life & International Office | Hertie School, Germany

Student communities have not been the same post-covid. A student generation that has not learned how to interact, how to discuss difficult topics in person and to simply have fun together is now faced with heavy issues such as war, right-facing governments, and climate crisis. The division between students has never been so visible, while also carried out in social media. How can the university administration help students to heal, engage, and shape a vibrant student community?


The presenter will share her story of a difficult academic year a the Hertie School, Germany, and how the institution tackled the challenge.

The Invaluable Influence Of Physical Activity on Mental Health and Wellness – Student Housing Support Staff A Caribbean Prospective

Diana Bryan, Head of Student Housing  | The University of The West Indies, Barbados

Residential support staff offer customer service and satisfaction, build brand management, and sustain income generation in other ways. Most, if not all the time, all that is done goes unnoticed and unrecognized by the Campus at large. However, staff continue to show up and carry out their immediate functions beyond what is expected of them, because they are passionate about what they do, and the community they serve.


The issue, however, is that staff can get burned out, staff can lose focus, and staff can become traumatized by experiences.


In this session, the presenter will share information about how the University of The West Indies, Barbados, supports and maintains mental health and well-being in Residential staff members.

We're Gonna Need a Bigger (Life)Boat: Preventing Student Suicide

Dominique Thompson, President of the Student Health Association (UK) & Mental Health Consultant and Speaker  | United Kingdom

Hear from one of the only professionals in the world independently reviewing college student suicides, to better understand underlying themes, risks and red flags.


Dr Thompson will share student specific suicide red flags, and discuss how to minimise future risks. She will explain how identifying actions to better support students at college and in their personal and residential lives can be transformational.


We all have a role to play when it comes to reducing the risks of mental health crises, and all members of an institution can benefit from learning about students and suicide risk reduction.

Healthy Conflict Resolution Solutions: Proactive and Reactive Conflict Management Strategies to Create a Healthy Organizational Culture

Louise Kennedy, Italy Program Manager | John Cabot University, Italy

Effective teamwork is key to successful management in study abroad programs. Many teams working in study abroad, all around the world, are rich with diversity, including a wide variety of personalities, ethnicities, cultural values, languages, educational backgrounds, religious traditions, and individual interests.


This multitude of perspectives can lead to misunderstanding and conflict without clear guidance and mentorship from supervisors. The presenters from the Pantheon Institute, Italy, will share conflict management strategies that boost team cohesion and collective professional practice. Additionally, they will outline scenarios that highlight how to address certain forms of conflict, both proactively and reactively, and how to apply these strategies.

Carla Wiegers, Vice President for Partnerships and Operations | Pantheon Institute, Italy

Don't Forget to Breath!

Dr. Tourgeé D. Simpson, Jr., Special Assistant for Strategic Initiatives | York Technical College, United States

Today, the modern campus is fast-paced, often understaffed, and ever-changing, where professional and personal responsibilities often dominate our schedules. Such realities are harmful to maintaining a healthy social life needed to bring your best self to your students, co-workers, supervisors, and direct-reports.


A balanced social life is also crucial for overall well-being, mental health, and personal growth.


This session explores strategies to ensure social connections are not neglected developped at York Technical College, USA.


Key approaches include intentional time management and prioritizing social interaction as essential activities, leveraging technology for meaningful communication, and integrating social activities with other aspects of daily life.

Redefining Leadership: Fostering Well-being and Inclusion for Resilient Student Affairs Teams

Angela Batista, Founder/CEO “Transformation by Design” | The University of Tennessee, United States

This session addresses the critical intersection of leadership, mental health, and well-being for student affairs staff who support diverse student populations. Using insights from the Inclusive Leadership by Design Blueprint© and case studies, the presenter will explore strategies for creating inclusive, resilient teams prioritizing mental health, well-being, and psychological safety. Participants will leave with actionable tools to enhance team dynamics, personal well-being, and overall impact on the student experience.

Consent Is Hot: Transgressive Behaviour Policy for Students

Kaat De Vis, Policy Advisor Student Affairs | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Since the rise of the #Metoo movement, many steps have already been taken in making sexually transgressive behaviour discussable. Although there is now less of a taboo around this topic, universities often lack a clear policy on how to deal with the issue purposefully. The Vrije Universiteit Brussel was confronted with this lack too and decided to develop a transgressive behaviour policy that targets students and aims to prevent unwanted transgressive behaviour and to encourage healthy relations among the students. This session overviews the development of the policy, the policy itself and the initiatives that have already been set up.

Ekaterina Smirnova, Student Life Coordinator | Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium


Angelika Putman, Staff member of Social Service Division | University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium

In this workshop, we will introduce HOGENT's Student Services and more specifically the Care Department. One of the responsibilities within the Care Department is psychosocial support and preventive actions about mental well-being. We wish to create and strengthen a Community of Caring where every student feels at home and can acquire a higher education degree. In order to achieve this ambitious goal, we organize the We Care program. Join us to learn and share your experiences!

Stephanie Vandersyppe, Staff member Social Service Division | University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium

Bridging the Gap to (Primary) Mental Health Care for All Students at Thomas More University - Belgium

Natascha Telling, Student Counselor at Thomas More Student Services | Thomas More University College, Belgium

How is mental health dealt in Belgian Universities? Join us to find out 1. The context of Thomas More University College in Belgium. 2. The challenge of making mental health care accessible to every student. 3. The diversity of services to meet the needs of a very diverse student population. 3. Collaboration with recently convention-affiliated psychologists, driven by the Federal Belgian government, to further lower barriers for students to access appropriate help.

Leen Van Brandt, Student Counselor at Student services | Thomas More University College, Belgium

The Parent Trap: Navigating Difficult Conversations with Parents of Adult Students

Carla Wiegers, Vice President of Operations and Partnerships | Pantheon Institute, Italy

Parents and guardians can be demanding and it is challenging to provide the support necessary to the stakeholders. In this session, we will discuss the resources Student Affairs Professionals need to have to be effective in aiding parents during a real or perceived crisis. Once we have the right tools, we will delve into the best practices for supporting family. Finally, we will test out what we have learned by running through specific cases offered by the presenters or audience.

Rebekah Sagredo, Assistant Dean for Residential Life | John Cabot University, Italy

More coming soon!

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