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The Schumann Institute of Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid visit to EucA in Brussels.

12 spanish students, and 4 professors of the Schumann Institute of Francisco de Vitoria University of Madrid visited today the EucA offices in Brussels. During the visit they met EucA and its activities and attended an engaging session on the active citizenship and communication in Europe ended with a workshop. 9 of the participants are students of one of the EucA colleges, Colegio Mayor Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid.

The students, of different areas of study, are participating in a 3 days Study Visit at the European Institutions promoted by The Schumann Institute in collaboration with the European Parliament. With the aim of a deeper knowledge of the European Union and of its processes, The Schumann Institute promotes a multidisciplinary overview on Europe for students, researchers and professors interested in the european issues.

After an overview on the EucA opportunities for students and professionals, the participants got the possibility to come across the project “Message to Europeans 3.0” with the  testimonials of two of the Student Leaders, Guillermo and Daniel. Their presentation was focused on the goals of the project and on the importance of being active citizens as motor of change of the society.

A short introduction on the youth disengagement and on how to communicate Europe followed. The students debated to the causes of the low engagement of the young people in Europe and the importance of their role in the future of Europe. The solutions proposed by the European Union to tackle the disengagement are several:  efforts in communications , cross-sectorial initiatives targeted to the young people, “mainstreaming” initiatives in fields with an impact as education, employment, or health and well-being but they are still not enough. According to the participants at the debate, Europe is still very far from hearts and minds in the Member States, and a civic education in schools could help to connect the citizens to be active citizens.

The final workshop consisted in commenting the resolutions on the EU narrative released in The Hague by the participants at the third event of Message to Europeans 3.0. The students and the professors, divided in groups, first analysed the resolutions and after commented with their ideas and proposals. An engaging debate concluded the intense morning.

The resolutions discussed by the students are opened also to your comments and remarks. Please find them here and contribute to the new european narrative with your point of view and ideas!

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