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Updated: Mar 16, 2023

ICF2023 returns with new partnerships, new faces and new opportunities!

Are you thinking about your future after college? Don't know where to look for your professional path?

EucA in collaboration with Fondazione Collegio Universitario Einaudi is excited to bring you the Second Edition of the International Career Fair!

A two-day event to improve your job search skills, explore new careers, network with employers and build your personal brand.

From 12-13 May in Turin, Italy, you will have the chance to meet with top international companies and HR professionals. Expand your network and start your future now!

This fair will be a fantastic opportunity for you to:

  1. Get exclusive job/internship interviews with top international companies.

  2. Receive career coaching and feedback on your job search skills from HR and career coaches, so you can improve your applications.

  3. Attend dynamic sessions to learn more about companies' culture and future careers: get first-hand information on career paths, everyday tasks of a job you are considering, etc.

  4. Get a certification of 18 international training hours for your College training plan!

The application process is open NOW!

Are you a company looking for new talent?

This fair will benefit your company by having the following:

- Access to qualified candidates: interview, meet and connect with an international group of European students with strong academic backgrounds and many soft skills.

- In-person meetings: after two years of online recruitment, being back in the field will ensure better interaction with potential young employees.

- Employer branding: taking part can increase the appeal of your company, gaining visibility of your brand pre, during and post-event

EucA, Europe's leading provider of Student Affairs and Services has already successfully worked in the field of Employer Branding with international companies such as: Google, Microsoft, TomTom, WeTransfer, Vodafone, and Procter & Gamble.

Get in touch with us and discover the most suitable package for your company!

We’re changing the way that people find jobs and companies find talent!


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