Professionals in student affairs and services from University Colleges and Universities in Europe are invited to join the international training event organised by EucA, the European University College Association in Milan on 2-3 July 2018.
The event will consist of international exchange of practices and training sessions held by NASPA, the leading Student Affairs association in the world. The training will be held by NASPA President Kevin Kruger and Amelia Parnell, NASPA Vice President for Research and Policy. The total training hours will amount to 8h and will focus on:
theoretical foundations of the Student Affairs profession (the value and the contributions made by the profession to higher education)
assessment and how to show stakeholders the impact of Colleges’ educational programs
On 2 July a celebration dinner will be kindly offered to all the EucA members on the occasion of its 10th Anniversary.
Discuss increasing visibility and the level of impact of student affairs work in tertiary education, in particular highlighting the added value of residential education.
Advance skills, build knowledge, and gain a depth of understanding in assessment practices.
Discover and share practices of collegiate education with international colleagues
Venue: Ufficio d'Informazione del Parlamento Europeo- sede di Milano
Palazzo delle Stelline - Corso Magenta, n* 59, 20123 Milano
10h00 - 10h30 Registration
10h30 - 11h00 Welcome
11h00 - 11h30 Residential Life and Student Housing in Europe: 10 Years Onwards
Gian Luca Giovannucci, President, EucA
11h30 - 12h30 European Higher Education Area: State of Art and Future Trends
Mirela Mazalu, Secretary General, EucA
12h30 - 13h00 Higher Education Trends Around the World
Kevin Kruger, President NASPA
13h00 - 14h00 Lunch
19h30 - 22h30 Celebration dinner at Osteria del Treno
(Via S. Gregorio, 46, 20124 Milano)
Dress code: cocktail
kindly hosted by Regione Lombardia
Venue: Regione Lombardia, Sala Pirelli
Palazzo Pirelli - entrance via F. Filzi 22, 20124 Milano
09h00 - 09h30 Registration
09h30 - 09h45 Welcome
Gian Luca Giovannucci, President, EucA
09h45 - 10h30 Keynote
Dr. Kevin Kruger, President, NASPA
10h30 - 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 - 11h15 Greetings
Martina Cambiaghi, Assessor for Youth and Sport, Regione Lombardia
11h15 - 13h00 NASPA Training: The Educational Role of Student Affairs
13h00 - 14h00 Lunch
14h00 - 15h30 NASPA Training: Assessment of Learning-first session
15h30 - 15h45 Coffee Break
15h45- 17h30 NASPA Training: Assessment of Learning-second session
The NASPA Training is given by Dr. Kevin Kruger and Amelia Parnell, Vice President for Research and Policy.
Discuss increasing visibility and the level of impact of student affairs work in tertiary education, in particular highlighting the added value of residential education.
Advance skills, build knowledge, and gain a depth of understanding in assessment practices.
Discover and share practices of collegiate education with international colleagues.
PARTICIPATION FEE A participation fee is required to all the participants. Early registrations are encouraged.
EucA members: 180€ before 18 June 210€ after 18 June
280€ before 18 June
310€ after 18 June
Payments are accepted via bank transfer to:
European University College Association
Please note that there will be no refunds granted at 25 June 2018.
VENUES European Parliament Representation Office in Milan
Palazzo delle Stelline - Corso Magenta, n* 59, 20123 Milano
Osteria del Treno
Via S. Gregorio, 46, 20124 Milano
Regione Lombardia TBC
Sala Pirelli
Palazzo Pirelli - entrance via F. Filzi 22, 20124 Milano
QUESTIONS For any questions or inquiries please contact Mirela Mazalu (