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Be The Change

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The answer is yes as for Soft Skills,

we refer also to social skills, personal traits and emotional intelligence.

The improvement in such skills can empower and enable people to better adapt to their environments and

to work well with others.

Be the Change is an Erasmus+ KA2 Project that promotes the alliance between social organizations in the field of Youth in 4 European countries to enhance the exchange and the implementation of innovative practices for Soft Skills development in the framework of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (17 SDGs). The objective is to strengthen new initiatives of environmental and social impact designed and led by young people.

Thanks to Be the Change:

  • 12 youth workers of the partners will receive targeted training on how to implement Soft Skills and on which assessment tools to use for the evaluation. It will enhance the activities performed in their entities. 

  • 80 young people will be involved in great events and initiatives all over Europe organised to improve Soft Skills and to learn how to design and lead citizen participation initiatives linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

  • A big dissemination campaign will happen online. 

During the project timeframe, new pedagogical approaches will be identified and a training package will be developed.  Composed by methodological guides and audiovisual materials, it will help trainers and young people in the promotion and implementation of new techniques to acquire Soft Skills in Youth initiatives of social impact linked to the 17 SDGs.  Such initiatives will be also recorded and disseminate with innovative audiovisual material: it will gather the experience of the whole activities and the application of the training programs in each participating country.

A first survey was conducted among university students to discover how soft skills can transform our world Discover the survey on soft skills here.  

The Project will last 14 months and will involve participants from 4 European organizations in 4 different countries:

Fundacja Klub Filary Foundation in Poland, Zavod Druzba in Kultura in Slovenia, ESYCU in Spain and EucA European University College Association in Belgium.


Project summary video

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