4 - 6 November 2021
Rome, Italy
NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, LUMSA University, and EucA – European university college Association, invite you to the third European Conference for Student Affairs and Services, held at LUMSA on 4-6 November 2021. The conference provides a platform for student services professionals, academics, researchers, and policy makers to discuss innovative programs, practices, models and trends in student affairs. The theme of this year will be Students Recovery and Success.
We are accepting proposal abstracts from student affairs & services professionals who wish to share their knowledge and experience by presenting a peer-delivered educational session during the conference.
Interested individuals will complete and submit a proposal form electronically that will require them to craft a detailed outline of their session, and a set of learning outcomes for participants that connect to the topics proposed (see below).
Presenters will be expected to pay registration and other related fees associated with attending the conference. All presenters will be expected to provide an electronic copy of their presentation which will be posted on the conference website for participants to view at the conclusion of the conference.
Program submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
We will notify the results 2-3 days after submission.
Please find below the four topics that will guide the conversations during the event.
Theme: Student Recovery and Success
Sustainability Education
The European Union is launching its European Green Deal to fight climate change and to encourage all citizens to work towards a greener and more sustainable Europe.
Concretely, the European Union is planning legislation and support to allow countries to align their education and training systems with the changes urgently required for the green transition.
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, commented: “Education has a key role to play for inspiring sustainable behaviour and helping citizens move from awareness to action. Schools, Higher Education institutions, training centers should be empowered to provide quality education for environmental sustainability. The Commission is fully committed to support national efforts and to enable more cooperation and exchange on these issues at European level.“
The conference planning committee invites you to submit conference program proposals that will allow attendees to:
Mobilise expertise and resources to change behaviour regarding environmental sustainability.
Plan programs that equip students with the skills needed to thrive in the green economy of the future.
Identify resources and practices that allow to integrate sustainability into teaching and learning and across all aspects of their operations.
Employability & Career Services
As we are re-imagining how to respond to all the societal challenges ahead, the future of work, young people’s employability and the knowledge and skills required to navigate the post-covid world are all key for the European Education Area. How can Higher Education institutions and actors help shape the debate on current disruptions, innovate curricula and fulfil their educational missions? How can student affairs professionals sustain students with innovative curricula and services?
The conference planning committee invites you to submit conference program proposals that will allow attendees to:
Learn practices on how institutions adapted curriculum goals, delivery or partnerships to help students build the skills they need in a post-covid-19 world of work, and to empower them to search and start their professions online.
Learn evidence-based career services and employability practices to assist students, both in person and online, and to help them leverage the knowledge and skills acquired in all their learning experiences to navigate uncertain job markets.
Understand the various ways institutions document and assess learning, both inside and outside of the classroom, and how technological tools can sustain this work.
Learn practices on how institutions adjusted their partnerships with national and international companies, employers etc. to ensure online or safe in-person service learning, internships or volunteering opportunities.
International Mobility
In the context of globalization, with institutions and students planning international connections and mobility experiences in new and unique ways, there is a need for rethinking internationalization initiatives and strategies. Actors of the European Higher Education Area are called to innovation, support student development, create quality programs, and ensure fair access and inclusion. How can student affairs professionals ensure all students have an international experience?
The conference planning committee invites you to submit conference program proposals that will allow attendees to:
Reference evidence-based practices regarding “internationalization-at-home” initiatives that prepare all students to live and work across differences and in an interconnected world.
Identify best practices for supporting international and inbound students to successfully navigate the local community
Share institutional successes and setbacks for programs that create an international experience for students
Establish a network of colleagues with whom to create short-term mobility opportunities or exchanges for students
Students Well-Being
Institutions of Higher Education around the world are experiencing a wave of incoming students who have experienced trauma and loss due to pandemic, economic, societal, and political events. As professionals in Higher Education, how do we equip ourselves to support these students?
The conference planning committee invites you to submit conference program proposals that will allow attendees to:
Unpack holistic student and staff well-being and its relationship with student success in Higher Education.
Create opportunities to define current health triggers (pandemic, economic loss) and its impact on the community.
Define current mental health conditions (e.g. depression, substance abuse, etc.) which represent challenges to student success and well-being.
Identify collaborative models between service practitioners (qualified mental health professionals) on campus and outside support.
Identify successful practices and programs that support work/study-life balance, healthy habits, community engagement.
Next Frontiers of Innovative Curricula
As Higher Education institutions reinvent themselves for the post covid-19 world, how can student affairs professionals contribute to support forward looking missions? How can we redefine our practices and what tools are useful for a new blended learning experience and ensure thus student success?? What are some promising practices that allow students to integrate in the university campus and engage into meaningful learning that goes beyond attendance?
The European Higher Education Area will also be affected by EU policy priorities or initiatives like the European Green Deal or the Conference for the Future of Europe. Institutions count on young people’s voice to have a say for their future. How can we empower students to be positive change makers in their communities or globally?
The conference planning committee invites you to submit conference program proposals that will allow attendees to:
Identify initiatives or tools that ensure continued student success and engagement, in online and blended learning environments or residential settings, regardless of students’ location.
Explore strategies to build intentional, inclusive and supportive learning environments and/or living-learning communities post covid-19.
Identify initiatives for new curriculum development that support students to act as change agents for a positive change in our world or empower them as active citizens in their communities?
Explore virtual or hybrid programming ideas, lessons learned or promising practices experimented during the pandemic.
Identify support initiatives that integrate peer support from tutors, resident assistants or other senior students.
*The agenda is based on CET
4 nov
Welcome session
Keynote - Kevin Kruger - NASPA President
Coffee break
Concurrent sessions/ Networking
Concurrent sessions/ Networking
Concurrent sessions/ Networking
Coffee break
Keynote - Luca Lantero - Director of CIMEA
Implementation of the Bologna Process and Recognition Challenges within the European Higher Education Area
Welcome session
Coffee break
Concurrent sessions
Concurrent sessions/ Networking
Concurrent sessions/ Networking
Coffee break
Concurrent sessions
Gala Dinner at Ozio Restaurant , Orazio Palace, Via Orazio, 21 Roma
5 nov
6 nov
Concurrent sessions
Coffee break
Networking session
Closing remarks
15:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:00
OPTIONAL. Cultural Program: Vatican Museums guided visit
*Separate payment required. See below price and payment link.
09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:30
19:30 - 21:30
08:30 - 9:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:15
11:15 - 12:00
12:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 15:00
15:00 - 16:00
16:00 - 16:30
16:30 - 17:30
Sustainability Education
Creating Global Citizens: Support and Develop Students Through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo, Vice Provost for Student Life, American University of Sharjah - United Arab Emirates
The United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) provide an aerial view of student affairs professional's commitment to student success, social justice, life-long learning, compassion, and global citizenship. Facilitators will share the momentum created from the 5th International Association of Student Affairs and Services (IASAS) global summit on advancing the SDGs. The result was adapting the Global Goals to help their institutions and organizations meet the 2030 Agenda- for a more just world. Explore with facilitators and participants a global framework to inform practices.
Employability & Careers Services
R.E.A.L. Projects (Real Experience Applied Learning): On-Campus Project-Based Team-Oriented Internships
Brett Perozzi, Vice President for Student Affairs, Weber State University - USA
Real life careers experience is more important than ever in our current global marketplace. How do mature students, those with families, full time jobs, etc. avail themselves of these essential employment experiences when they can't get to a physical job site? COVID-19 has taught us valuable lessons that vary substantially among world regions. In this session attendees will explore how students can participate in meaningful employability experiences, in culturally appropriate ways, whilst learning critical career skills and knowledge. Through coordinated classroom and project-based cross-disciplinary experiences, in cooperation with local and multinational corporations, students can participate in significant, high impact employment experiences without ever leaving campus.
The Practicum: Liberal Arts Learning and Preparation for the World of Work
Rebecca Hovey, Dean for Global Studies & Baishakhi Taylor, VP for Campus Life; Smith College - USA
This workshop aims to build a case that preparation for a professional work life can be central to the learning goals of a liberal arts education. Study abroad curricular innovations at Smith College provide a case study of how project-based and community-based learning develop work skills while also supporting critical learning capacities at the heart of a campus-wide process of "Reimagining the Curriculum". Participants in the workshop will have the opportunity to reflect on how student advisors can help facilitate the learning that students will experiences in a practical, project-based learning design.
The Role of Italian Colleges of Merit: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Vincenzo Salvatore, President of CCUM - the Italian Association of University Colleges of Merit - Italy
After a short introduction outlining the Italian academic landscape, attention will be paid to the role of the Italian Colleges of Merit with a focus on the strength deriving from belonging to a nation-wide network.
The outcome of a recent survey performed by European House Ambrosetti - one of the most distinguished Italian think tanks - will then be presented to offer a valuable insight of the opportunities that the Colleges of Merit offer to their students. Focus will be on initiatives promoting students' personal and professional development through the learning of extracurricular skills and facilitating their access to the labour market.
Some final remarks will consider the challenges that the offer of residential solutions to university students will have to face in a post pandemic scenario.
International Mobility
Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education Instiutions who Particpate in Study Tours
Michelle Castro, Associate Director, Student Government Association, Florida International University - USA
This presentation is to discuss the research regarding student affairs professionals who attend study tours and their professional and personal experiences. This study was supported by Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory in particular the active learning that took place of the participants. These study tours have expanded self-confidence of those tour participants of what they have learned and experienced. This study provided recommendations of increasing the number of student affairs professionals attending international study tours, encouraging student affairs professionals to share the information learned from their visits, and implementing programs and ideas gathered from their tour experiences.
Translate Your Passion: Engaging the Reluctant Student with Study Abroad
Douglas Cantelmo, Assistant Director of International Programs, Seton Hall University - USA
Study abroad engagement strategies across higher education have been wonderfully inventive in recent years but they sometimes fall short of reaching parts of the university that are reluctant to join international initiatives. For the better part of a decade, Douglas Cantelmo has reflected upon these challenges as he has built record-breaking, immersive study abroad programs that connect segments of the university sometimes left out of the conversation. This workshop will discuss how to build meaningful points of contract through a student's college journey and how to preach beyond the choir about the transformational impact of study abroad.
Leveraging the Culturally Engaging Campus Environments Model for Student Success
Kerrie Montgomery Orozco, Director of Campus Life, Florida International University - USA
International students, especially non-native speakers of the host country, often struggle with having a sense of belonging at their institutions. The Culturally Engaging Campus Environments Model (Museus, 2014) provides a framework for implementing support strategies for all students who may feel marginalized based on their culture or country of origin. The model was developed for use with racially diverse student populations in the U.S. but was applied to international students in the U.S. in a study that revealed its usefulness beyond its intended audience. Participants in this session will learn about the framework and discuss best practices for applying it.
Student Well-being
Living and Learning - A Scandinavian Approach for International Students' Wellbeing
Therese Löfgren, Housing Advisor, Malmö University - Sweden
Higher education has a significant role to play in shaping the next generations. Through Residence Life, higher education institutions can increase student well-being by facilitating a smooth transition to university life, as well as meaningful leisure time. Research shows that a meaningful leisure time often serves as a protective factor; students who feel socially well-adjusted in their leisure time are less likely to experience mental problems. The overall goal of this presentation is to introduce a Swedish take on Residence Life, and how Malmö University is using this concept to increase student well-being, as well as giving insight into the Scandinavian student experience. The presenter will share how through an introduction to the city and the community within the halls of residence, the university has increased the well-being within the international student community.
Digital Wellness Coaching Program: A Model for Promoting Healthy Campuses
Monica Ratliff, Education Abroad Advisor, Wright State University - USA
This session describes the development of a peer wellness coaching program designed to help alleviate the overwhelming feelings of fear, depression, and malaise experienced by Student Affairs in Higher Education graduate students on the front line of university service, during the Covid 19 pandemic. The program featured weekly Wellness Wednesday group coaching sessions led by wellness experts within and beyond the university and included the use of a virtual wellness assistant that enhanced resource access for coaches and participants, and fostered interpersonal connectivity around the value of healthy living. Recommendations for incorporating emphasis on health disparities of underrepresented or marginalized identities will be shared.
COVID Pandemic: Effects & Reactions, Lessons for the Future
Valeria Morandini, Coordinator Residence Hall Universitaria Biomedica, Fondazione Collegio Universitario Santa Caterina Da Siena - Italy
In Pavia, a small town in the North of Italy, where one the most ancient University in the world is located, the two main waves of the pandemic have had different and varied impacts and effects: in the first students left the residnce halls suddenly joining their family, in the second the residence became their family. A significative “inversion”.
In the residence's international environment, students of different ages and points their study path reacted differently: this session will share practices to sustain the impact of this experience and adapt staff's “way of working” to students' needs. Attendees will also have the opportunity to share their own practices.
Positive Psychology Coaching for University
Nicoletta Stella, Business Coach and Trainer, Make A Difference Training - Italy
The Positive Psychology-based coaching focuses simultaneously at achieving concrete results while enhancing the overall well-being of the coachees. The presenter's approach found ideal grounds in this generation of university students who need to perform well on academic front while being emotionally and socially challenged by unprecedented events (pandemic) and sociocultural developments (social media). The presenter will discuss:
- What is positive psychology and how it has been adapted to Education (Positive Education) and ths natural bridge to University student coaching
- The role of trust and how to obtain it, dealing with shame
- A couple of case studies demonstrating the relevance of effectiveness of Positive Psychology based coaching for students facing challenging times
- Possible future developments: the creation of group programmes and how to bring the issues out in the open.
Next Frontiers of Innovative Curricula
The Impact of Actions in the University Experience
María José Ibáñez Ayuso, Deputy Director, Francisco de Vitoria Residence Hall - Spain
Following the personalist philosophical approach, in this workshop we are going to talk about a fundamental pedagogical element for our educational project: taking action. In this workshop, we will explain the importance of empowering students with different responsibilities within the residence halls and the learning impact that both individual and group support can have for the students. To do this, we will explain the College Council, a collegiate representative body that allows students to develop different skills through taking on specific responsibilities, teamwork, individual tutoring. Presenters will also share a training program that allows students to be at the service of others and discover all that they are capable of doing, increasing thus their awareness of being tomorrow's agents of change from their professional aspect.
Leveraging Online Education in Student Development
Christina Witkowicki, Chief Learning Officer, LaunchPoint - USA
Higher education consistently focuses on how to do more with fewer resources. Between meeting students where they are, targeting various learning styles, and capturing students' limited attention, online learning opportunities can help address the challenge of providing more targeted student development for students in an effective and meaningful way. Based on years of practice designing virtual learning programming and analyzing data from tens of thousands of users, this presentation will share strategies for determining appropriate online education topics, designing engaging virtual education programs, and building valuable assessment into virtual learning to achieve institutional goals and maximize participant learning and development.
Student Success & Support
Pantelis Chantzaras; Coordinator of Student Life and Alumni; Perrotis College - Greece
Student life programming is important to the success of students and colleges. Specific programming geared to supporting students enhances the functionality of the college and promotes higher retention, high graduation rates, and better student experience. The next steps to increasing a student's likelihood of living on-campus and increasing admissions to the college are the development of the student and residence life programming at the institution. The presenter will share best practices of the Perrotis College Student Services Office such as Perrotis Leaders and Mentors Program, and Student Services Seminars that give students an overall learning experience by advancing their social skills and soft skills.

NASPA President
Dr. Kevin Kruger draws on more than 40 years of experience in Higher Education. Since 2012, he has served as president and CEO for NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. Dr. Kruger has published and presented nationally and globally on trends in Higher Education, student success, degree-completion strategies for low-income/first-generation students, and change management and leadership in Higher Education.

Director of CIMEA
Luca Lantero is the current Director of CIMEA, the Italian ENIC NARIC centre, in charge of information and recognition of academic qualifications. In 2019 he became the President of the Lisbon Recognition Convention Committee Bureau. From 2018 and 2020 he was the Head of the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) Secretariat of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
He has been involved in the field of recognition for several years and he is one of the main experts at the Italian and international level, on bogus diplomas and accreditation mills, foreign Higher Education systems degrees, TNE institutions and accreditation, digitalization of processes and blockchain technology applied to recognition.
EARLY BIRD (Registrations until 15 October)
EucA/NASPA Member
REGULAR REGISTRATIONS (Registrations from 16 October)
400 EURO
Non - Member
EucA/NASPA Member
Non - Member
500 EURO
500 EURO
600 EURO
The ECSAS 2021 fee provides full participation in the conference including Registration and Conference material, 16 hours of international training, 2 light lunches, 1 gala networking dinner and the Conference Certificate
Cultural Program: Guided Tour of the Vatican Museums
The guided visit includes the entry ticket and the guide for max 25 people.
It will last 3 hours (from 3 to 6 pm).
TOTAL PRICE: 28 EURO (not included in the Conference fee)
To register, please follow these steps:
1. Fill in this form with your contact information.
2. Choose your preferred method of payment, via bank transfer or credit card.
- If you choose the bank transfer (no transaction fees for EU countries), we will send you an invoice and you can proceed with the payment.
- If you choose the credit card option, you can pay directly above on the "Pay here" button.
Others keynotes and speakers will be confirmed shortly
Cancellation Policy
We will fully refund your conference registration fee ONLY if the organisers cancel the conference or the public authorities impose travel restrictions (deny entry into Italy or quarantine measures before arrival).
Click HERE to learn more about the refund request and process.
Conference venue: LUMSA University
Address: Via di Porta Castello 44, 00193 Rome Italy
Accommodation: Two selected hotels close to the Conference venue are offering special rates to the Conference participants if booked before 30 September 2021.
Via Borgo Pio, 163/166 - 00193 Roma
e-mail: gm.hotelconciliazione@4lcollection.com
Download your Hotel Conciliazione booking form HERE
Via Orazio, 21 - 00175 Roma
e-mail: fom.hoteloraziopalace@4lcollection.com
Download your Hotel Orazio booking form HERE
To book your room with the special ECSAS 2021 rates you will need to fill in the form of the hotel of your choice and send it to the hotel.
All the relevant information about prices, payment policy and cancellation policy are in the forms.
Please note that the reservation will be confirmed only after the hotel has declared the receipt of the form.
https://www.atac.roma.it/en/home (Public Transports in Rome)
*To make your visit to the ECSAS 2021 run safely, the three days conference will fully respect the COVID-19 measures imposed by the government at the time.
Please click here to check regularly rules and updates on travel restrictions.