NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, Perrotis College and EucA – European university college Association, invite you to the fifth annual European Conference for Student Affairs and Services, held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 9-11 November 2023.
The ECSAS conference provides a platform for student affairs professionals, academics, researchers, and practitioners to discuss innovative programs, practices, models and trends in student affairs to advance their mission in supporting student success.
The theme of this year will be "The Future is Now: The Role of Student Affairs Professionals in Skills Development."
Are you attending the conference?
You can still register for the cultural activities and live the best Greek experience ever!
We are accepting proposal abstracts from higher education practitioners who wish to share their knowledge and experience by presenting a peer-delivered educational session during the conference.
Interested individuals will complete and submit a proposal form electronically that will require them to craft a detailed outline of their session, and a set of learning outcomes for participants that connect to the topics proposed (see below).
Presenters will be expected to pay registration and other related fees associated with attending the conference.
Program submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We will notify the results 2-3 days after submission.
Deadlines for submissions:
Priority Deadline: 17 September
Regular Deadline: 8 October
Please note that all accepted programs will allow presenters to register with early bird conference fee.
Please note that it's free to create a NASPA account and you don't need to be a NASPA member to submit programs.
Please find below the four topics that will guide the conversations during the event.
Theme: The Future is Now: The Role of Student Affairs Professionals in Skills Development.
Student Affairs staff Preparedness and Professional Development
Working With Limited Resources (Finances, Time, Staff, etc.)
New Education Challenges
Crisis Management
Change Management
Career Readiness and Preparation for the Future
Digital Work/Life (Technology)
Hybrid Environments and Learning
Soft Skills - What Employers Want
Student Advising and Support
Mental Health and Well-Being
Mental Health and Resilience
Upstream approaches to MH - community engagement and focus on positive MH
Novel approaches in the face of dwindling resources
Cultural Skills and Inclusive Learning
First-year Students and Students from Diverse Backgrounds (e.g. the First-year Experience);
International Students (Orientation, Teambuilding…)
Inclusive Practices for the Student Experience
Study Abroad Programs and Education, Cultural Skills
*The agenda is based on CET
Welcome session
Coffee\Tea break
Concurrent Session I
Concurrent Session II
Lunch\ Perrotis College Campus Tour
Leadership Panel
Cultural Experience (optional):
Greek Cooking Lesson. Max. 45 PAX (Separate payment required)
Thessaloniki Food Tour – including dinner. Máx. 20 PAX (Separate payment required)
Cheese Tasting Workshop. Max. 30 PAX (Separate payment required)
Olive Oil Tasting Workshop. Max. 30 PAX (Separate payment required)
Conference Registrations
Networking Activity
Coffee\Tea break
Concurrent Session III
Concurrent Session IV
Lunch\Group Photo
Concurrent Session V
Student Panel
Networking dinner
10 nov
11 nov
Concurrent Session VI
Coffee\Tea break
Concurrent Session VII
Closing Ceremony
Cultural Experience (optional)
Excursion to Gerovassiliou Winery & Wine Tasting. Max. 25 PAX (Separate payment required)
08:30 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:50
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:50
13:00 -13:30
08:30 - 9:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:20
12:30 - 13:20
13:30 - 15:30
15:30 - 16:30
18:00 - 19:30
08:30 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:20
13:30 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:50
16:00 - 17:00
20:00 - 22:00
12:30 - 13:20
12:00 -12:50
Student Affairs staff Preparedness and Professional Development
Creative Professional Development in Student Affairs
Gloria Laureano, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs | Kennesaw State University
A roundtable discussion to share best practices to support staff's professional development and contribute to staff retention, value and appreciation, and strategic career development. The facilitator will present three questions to engage the audience in sharing their best practices in a small group and bring to the large group actionable ideas to take back to their HEI. The facilitator will share her experiences with creating innovative professional development opportunities that offer career enhancement to a team.
Agility and Adaptability in Student Affairs Management: Lessons Learned
Niamh Nestor, Student Adviser Team Leader | University College Dublin
UCD’s Student Advisory Service comprises sixteen Student Affairs Professionals who are a point of support and referral for approximately 30,000 UCD students. A recent restructuring of the team’s management has led to changes in how the professional development needs of team members are identified, responded to, and catered for. While professional development is highly valued within the team, finding the time and deciding which development needs should be prioritized present challenges for such a busy support service. The presenters will outline how they addressed these challenges, elicited team feedback, and enhanced the agility of their own management and leadership practices.
Are You Ready for a Crisis? Crisis Communications Planning for Student Affairs
Chantelle Thompson, Chief of Staff | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
When a situation occurs on campus or in Student Affairs that affects your ability to uphold your duty to create a community that fosters belonging and enhances learning or threatens the safety of your community, it is your responsibility to communicate internally and externally in a timely manner to help protect campus and/or community members and maintain the longstanding integrity of your university. Are you ready? In this session, you will receive guidance and sage advice to help you plan a communications strategy before a crisis ensues.
International Perspectives in Student Affairs: Voices From the Field
Niamh Nestor, Student Adviser Team Leader | University College Dublin
The landscape of student affairs may vary between institutions, cultures, and geographical locations, but our shared passion for student well-being and success unites us. Join our global panel discussion with presenters from countries all over the world. Our speakers will share their experiences in student affairs, including the challenges and solutions unique to their contexts. Attendees will learn about working in diverse cultural contexts and the current pressing concerns in those contexts. Presenters will bridge the gap between institutions, identities, languages, and borders, emphasizing the core values and motivations that drive them in the realm of student affairs.
Fostering Resilience and Community: Empowering Student Engagement Through Orientation and Clubs
Maria del Pilar Murguia, Director of Student Services | John Cabot University
The presenter will share their experiences and strategies for fostering resilience and building a strong sense of community among students. Through a blend of orientation programs and student club leadership, attendees will discover effective methods to empower student engagement. The role of international inclusive training will be highlighted, emphasizing its impact on creating an inclusive and supportive environment. The presenter will draw from their own program's experiences, offering concrete examples of how these initiatives have successfully empowered students to overcome challenges, develop vital skills, and forge meaningful connections.
Leveling Up Your Professional Work When You Are Battle Fatigued
Michelle Castro, Director, Student Government Association | Florida International University
The presenter will dicuss the ever-changing demands on professionals to do more with less. As student affairs professionals, we are not as well-staffed as we were, and professionals have to do more with fewer resources, less staff, and less reliable students. The presenter will share how they manage to help staff find their voice and footing when they have to do more, yet they do not have all the time to do it, and how working as a team to accomplish goals is necessary.
A Meaningful Horizon for SAS Professionals
Mariagrazia Melfi, Research Coordinator | European University College Association
Global trends indicate that many professionals are leaving the field, or their enthusiasm and desire for this career are declining. Possible reasons include: a salary that does not match the level of responsibility/workload; difficulties encountered during the pandemic; the growing generation gap that makes it difficult to dialogue with GenZ; having few tools available to manage the psycho-social complexity in which GenZ are plunged; fatigue with not having immediate and easily measurable results. The current narrative of this work does not adequately express the great educational relevance and social impact it can have in the present and for the future.
From Prometheus to ChatGPT: How Can Students Affairs Professionals Meet these Challenges?
María José Ibáñez Ayuso, Deputy Director Colegio Mayor Francisco de Vitoria | Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
The technological revolution in which we are immersed presents great educational challenges to which Student Affairs professionals cannot remain indifferent. In this session, we will reflect on four significant anthropological and educational challenges we are facing and present educational responses to alleviate each of them. Therefore, we will talk about the role of character education and its application to university environments and the design of educational projects; the importance of the search for meaning and the role of great books for its effective education from a dense anthropological proposal and the role of community life in the Instagram world.
Unlock the Strategic Power of LinkedIn
Maria Giulia Palocci, Communications Director | European University College Association
Today, LinkedIn contributes significantly to the empowerment and valorization of your professional experience. Getting to know a company or institution means getting to know its people, who become digital brand ambassadors. The presenter will show how using LinkedIn and its most attractive tools and actions can strategically increase the visibility of your role as a Student Affairs professional and your institution. You will learn how to improve your online networking, get the best opportunities and information from the so-called “influencers,” and create and plan engaging content to reach personal and institutional goals.
Others keynotes and speakers will be confirmed shortly
Spotlight Personality Profiling: A Tool to Navigate Changes Among Student Affairs Professionals
Andy Loe, Associate Director, Campus Life | Yale-NUS College
Spotlight profile, a contemporary personality profiling tool developed in high-performance sports focusing on fostering adaptability. In August 2022, the National University of Singapore (NUS) announced its decision to permanently stop matriculations at Yale-NUS College and create a new college. Thus, Yale-NUS Student Affairs Professionals (SAPs) had to adapt to many uncertainties. In early 2023, Spotlight was introduced to a group of Yale-NUS SAPs, to help them navigate this change from decreased staffing to additional workload. This presentation will share how Spotlight can help SAPs create better self-awareness and adaptability and build team dynamics amid strategic shifts in an uncertain, ever-changing landscape.
Transforming the Delivery of Student Services in the Changing and Challenging Environment
Aray Saniyazova, Advisor, Department of Student Services | Nazarbayev University
The presenter will share the personal lived experiences of student affairs professionals at a middle-sized international university who entered the field as senior managers to lead the student affairs department in a crisis of the institutional transformation exercise of student affairs during the COVID pandemic and the lessons learned from 2 year-long work. The peculiarity of the region to be presented is that there are no degree-level programs that prepare student affairs professionals.
European Masters Course
Mariagrazia Melfi, Research Coordinator | European University College Association
The postgraduate diploma "Training of Experts in Student Affairs/Campus Life" was born from a dream: to promote a culture of student affairs services in Europe as well! In Italy, as well as in other European countries, there is, unfortunately, a significant separation between the university, the academic context and student life. Only a few universities and residence halls adopt a holistic, person-centered approach. In addition to board and lodging, they offer students cultural and professional opportunities for holistic growth. The key figures in these organizations are the professionals who work there and become reference points for students even if their work is not widely recognized in the working environment. The Post Graduate Diploma aims to contribute to increasing the knowledge and skills of these professionals, to bring out their potential, to open horizons to the possibilities of professional development and to create a strong networking opportunity among professionals from all over the world.
Career Readiness and Preparation for the Future
Creating a Positive and Healthy Work Environment
Tourgeé D. Simpson, Jr., Special Assistant for Strategic Initiatives| York Technical College
We are responsible to our colleagues and students to build trust in systems of communication and support based on principles of wellness. Changing employee demographics, expectations, and COVID-19 have fundamentally transformed work and learning environments. This session will increase awareness of issues, trends, and strategies to promote positive and healthy work environments within student affairs and services. Specifically, participants will learn about responsibility, motivation, the art of humor, and the eight dimensions of wellness.
Self-Reflection: A Pathway for Personal and Professional Development
Denise Balfour Simpson, Associate Dean of Students | Davidson College
Self-reflection is a characteristic of personal/professional growth that allows insights into our thoughts, feelings, and actions” (Mahmoud, 2023). Through self-reflection, we can identify ways to improve our lives and reach our full potential. In this session, we will discuss strategies for self-reflection and learn how to use self-reflection to identify desired areas of growth. Participants will also complete the SMARTER Goals Worksheet and have the opportunity to receive peer-to-peer feedback to further clarify a desired goal. Participants will leave with at least one draft SMARTER goal to implement during the academic year.
International Career Pathways: Fostering Students' Futures Through Career Modules
Ebonie Rayford, Assistant Dean of Student Life and Career Strategy | Franklin University Switzerland
In this session, presenters will share the core components of the International Career Pathways program modules designed to empower students for international career success. Recognizing the challenges college and university students face in bridging the gap to the job market, we delve into key areas often overlooked by traditional educational institutions. Different aspects of the process will be shared, from planning, preparation, implementation, monitoring, and follow-up feedback for future developments and editions of the program. This program will show the impact on students through the use of innovative career modules.
Beyond the Gap: Reducing Skills Mismatch in a University College of Merit
Luca Demontis, College Education Manager | Fondazione Collegio San Carlo
There is a sensitive issue in Italian universities: how to reduce the gap between the skills provided by universities and those required by the labour market? This skills mismatch causes high youth unemployment and dramatic dissatisfaction among young graduates. Collegio San Carlo di Modena, as an Italian University College of Merit, aims to help students develop skills such as work-life balance, lifelong learning, autonomy and empowerment, innovation, inclusion and healthy relationships, and the ability to develop a strong "why". This is made possible by a well-designed and well-assessed programto develop the skills of the future.
The Bare CV
Alexandra Prindezi, Manager | The American College of Greece
The presenter will discuss the power of skills and the intimidation students feel about the empty, "bare" CV. She will share her experience of how students' awareness of their skills empowers them to pursue career and life opportunities before they graduate.
Leading Abroad: An IPA Study of International Dean of Student Life Roles
Carla Wiegers, Vice President for Partnerships and operations | Pantheon Institute
This session will present the IPA research study conducted over the past three years as the conclusory dissertation of the presenter's EdD program in Organizational Leadership Studies at Northeastern University. The purpose of this research is to understand the role and lived experiences of senior-level student life administrators, defined as International Deans of Student Life, working in Study Abroad Programs (SAP) of U.S.-accredited higher education institutions operating outside the United States. By investigating the role of IDSL through their first-hand accounts, we can better understand the work of international Student Affairs and discern appropriate recommendations and best practices, as well as opportunities for future research.
Exploring the Role of AI in Facilitating Help-Seeking Among Students
Joonas Merikko, CPO at Annie Advisor Ltd | Doctoral Researcher at University of Helsinki
Rapid advancements in AI have provided unprecedented possibilities to personalize learning processes. Limited attention has been paid to students' conceptions of AI. This study explores the role of an AI agent in facilitating students' help-seeking process. The study will increase the understanding of AI agents as support for learners. Findings will help identify issues that future studies should focus on in order to develop transparent and ethically grounded use of AI in education, in line with learning theories.
The Italian University Colleges of Merit - A Boost to Students’ Talent and a Residential Model to Imitate
Vincenzo Salvatore, President | Conferenza Collegi di Merito
The Italian Colleges of Merit are a residential model designed for student success. Encouraging social promotion based on merit, the colleges provide high-quality residential services combined with a unique and personalized training offer that allows students to grow personally and professionally. The session will highlight the peculiarities and advantages of the Italian model and will explore whether the merit-based model is replicable in different contexts and countries.
Mental Health and Well-Being
Taking Learners’ Well-being Off the Back-Burner: Contextualized, Evidence-Driven Interventions
Bhavana Nair, Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (MBRU)
Presenters will showcase the process by which a unique academic health system in the Middle East and North Africa region systemically supports the well-being of its learners. They will leverage the evidence-based-4-M model to engage participants in a discussion about how universities holistically address the well-being of their learners. They will also reflect on their firsthand experience with a homegrown course on resilience-skills-building, which is integrated into their medical curriculum and fosters self-directed learning. They will show how such a course is likely to be positively appraised by learners, increasing their awareness and the probability of applying the learned concepts in their daily lives.
Student Success Modeling is Global: Revealing a 3-Dimensional Approach at Spelman College
Darryl Holloman, Vice President for Student Affairs | Spelman College
The presenter will share three dimensions of student success that guide the work of student affairs professionals at Spelman College. The presenter will outline how research and inquiry have demonstrated that community, belonging, and well-being are critical components of student success. Using these components helped to reshape, guide, and focus our work in assisting students to navigate the college while also finding a sense of themselves as they interacted with the campus.
Resilience and Wellbeing, Leadership, Inclusion, Student Voice and Support
Kiriaki Kousourakis, Doctoral Candidate and Teacher | Byron College
Let’s get together to identify how the concept of resilience relates to various elements of well-being, leadership, inclusion, student voice, partnerships and support. We will consider strategies to build resilience in students and undertake some great ways to collect data on this topic.
Study Abroad, Student Success, & Residence Life: A Living Learning Community
Ryan Hopkins, Assistant Director for Student Life | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The Virginia Tech Steger Center for International Scholarship has been in operation for over thirty years in Southern Switzerland, serving as a hub for study abroad in the region. Regrouping from the pandemic, innovation, and growth have been the themes throughout the new future direction of the center. With a new emphasis on student success, mental health and well-being, and regional engagement, the Steger Center is transforming into an established living learning community, much like one of the twenty that operate on the main campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. The presenter will share lessons learned from this evolving process.
Research-driven Practice: Climb the LADDER of Mental Health and Well-being
Leslie Blanchard, Executive Director | Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College
Join the LSU Leadership Development Institute as we share an innovative approach to student and professional leadership development designed to address mental health and well-being. The LADDER System is grounded in more than a decade of research into a practical application that is appropriate for all students and staff. In this session, the presenter will guide participants through the three steps of the system: 1. Identify – Set the standard of what good leadership looks like when it is done well; 2. Assess – Measure each individual's dispositions compared to that standard; 3. Develop – Strengthen the dispositions that are causing stress through a cognitive-behavioral coaching process.
Multi-institutional Collaboration in Guidance and Well-being Initiatives: National Networking in Finland
Leena Penttinen, Development Manager | University of Jyväskylä
The program introduces the national cooperation network to enhance the well-being of Finnish HE students. We present a case study from Finnish higher education, highlighting the creation of an inclusive cooperation network. We also demonstrate the research-driven process of establishing cooperation among higher education institutions and introduce eight critical well-being challenges identified in Finnish higher education. Active small-group discussions for participants relate the Finnish network model to experiences in other countries and examine common well-being challenges in European higher education. Key themes and practices for promoting student well-being in European universities will be summarized and discussed in a joint session.
Radical Rest: It is Time for a Real Break
Madeline Reich, Residential Life Manager | Constructor University
Can rest be political? It's time to take a look at what is necessary and what can be let go of in a world that centers productivity above all else. In this session, the presenter will explain what it means to rest radically and the roots of radical rest. Different approaches to resting will be shared and participants will have the opportunity to put radical rest into practice.
Health and Well-being Behaviours of University Students – A Portuguese Perspective
Paulo Ferraz, Dean of Students | Polytechnic University of Porto
Promoting health and well-being in the context of higher education institutions and mitigating behaviors that are harmful to students from the moment they enter is a global designation of higher education. Higher education institutions must ensure excellent teaching and knowledge sharing for their students, but also a friendly physical and psychosocial environment that is close to them and capable of inducing decision-making favorable to health and well-being, resulting in improved academic success and personal development for each student.
Mentoring and Well-being to support Student Success during Pandemic
Cecilia Resurreccion, Executive Director of Center for Student Affairs | University of Asia and the Pacific
The Center for Student Affairs' framework for holistic development and integral formation is best implemented through its Youth Development Mentoring Program. Each student at the university is assigned a mentor to help the student navigate and enrich their well-being, thus leading to retention and successful graduation. During the pandemic, as the university shifted to online learning, mentoring was still carried out, given its limitations. The session will discuss the elements of mentoring and its activities that enabled students to cope with the challenges of the pandemic and promote well-being.
Cultural Skills & Inclusive Learning
Diversity Abroad: Fostering Inclusion and Supporting Diverse Students in Study Abroad Programs
Angela Lavecchia, Interim Academic Director; Immersion and Engagement Learning Coordinator; Diversity Equity and Inclusion Coordinator | Trinity College
The proposed session is designed to present, share, and discuss practical and effective ways to enhance processes of inclusion aimed at improving the learning experience in the context of study abroad programs for students from diverse backgrounds.
Building Blocks for International Student Skill Development
Leah Hetzell, Director for International Student Affairs | Temple University
In this session, presenters will explore best practices and analyze real-life examples of how to engage and support international students as they transition to university life, establish a sense of belonging and social networks, and develop diverse skill sets that they will use in their professional careers. Using the concept of scaffolding, we will highlight the importance of inclusion and relationship building in the early days of a student's college experience and how these experiences can help (or hinder!) skill development along the way.
A Systematic Approach to Engage Students for Success with Co-curricular Learning Activities
Yun Shi, Director for International Education | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Presenters will share best practices of successful programs/events intentionally designed to engage students for success – while addressing the different needs of underrepresented students during their developmental stages – and provide support throughout their college journey. To maximize impact while minimizing the burnout of student affairs professionals, presenters will highlight collaboration strategies in developing/implementing these programs/events with shared human and capital resources. Moreover, they will use the University Leadership Model and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to articulate how to achieve the mission of the university/division and help students develop their cultural skills through interactive and inclusive learning.
Fraternity and Sorority Foundations
Christina Witkowicki, Chief Learning Officer | LaunchPoint Consulting
Fraternities and sororities have long been a quintessential American collegiate experience but are now expanding globally. Often referred to as Greek life due to the use of the Greek language in mottos and names and the organizational foundations in Greek philosophy and governance, what better place to discuss fraternal organizations than Greece? This presentation explores the historical roots, evolution, and enduring significance of fraternal organizations. By examining the core principles of brotherhood and sisterhood and comparing assessment data between American and European fraternities, the presenter will discuss the profound effects fraternal membership has on personal development, leadership skills, and community engagement.
Target Sixty-thousand
Alessandro Sciretti | President | ANDISU Italy
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is the instrument which using Next Generation Europe funds will make Italy more equitable, sustainable and inclusive. In student affairs, most of the financial resources are focues on new housing solutions. This brief presentation will go deep into the plan with the target of creating new 60,000 beds for students in Italy using 1 billion euro of public contribution.
Forming the Pack: Creating belonging for First-Generation College Students
Terence Hill, Director of Orientation and Transition Programs | University of Washington Bothell
Presenters will explore the challenges first-generation students face and highlight the pivotal role of belonging in their academic journey. Presenters will delve into practical strategies, including peer coaching/mentoring programs and other support services. Through stories and discussions, the session will inspire professionals to focus on belonging as a key effort for retention and student success. Attendees will leave equipped with insights, fostering a supportive atmosphere where first-generation students thrive academically and emotionally through coordinated care, ensuring they not only enter college but also find a genuine sense of belonging that also mitigates the impacts of imposter syndrome.
5000km Away from Campus: Global Lessons from NU-Q's Service Learning Experience
Indeewaree Thotawattage, Assistant Director for the Student Experience | Northwestern University-Qatar
NU-Q's Service Learning Experience (SLE) explores themes of social justice, global citizenship, DEI and belonging. This 4-month program, carried out every semester, includes a week-long international trip component for student participants to work toward understanding their own privileges and biases while attempting to create a positive impact in our shared global community. The presenter will share SLE's mission, strategy and objectives, including curriculum design, program implementation and student selection. The presenter will also share holistic student feedback, navigating challenges and how students carry forward their learning into other coursework as well as after graduation.
Fostering Belonging: Crafting Strong, Engaged and Supportive Residential Communities
Kara Hatim, Residential Life Officer | Constructor University
Constructor University strives to cultivate vibrant and inclusive residential communities for its diverse student body comprising 110 nationalities. Emphasizing a deep sense of belonging, the university employs a multi-faceted approach. A tight-knit community presents many learning opportunities for everyone. This is fostered through traditions, the organization of community-building events, the creation of purposeful communal spaces, and the offer of dedicated services. At the heart of these efforts is a committed team of student volunteers and full-time staff. Together, they work diligently to create a nurturing and supportive environment, aiming to transform the university residences into true homes away from home for all residents.
Orientation and Transition from Start to Finish for Medical Students in the Caribbean.
Fallon Powers-Peterson, Student Affairs Coordinator | American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine
Being that most AUC students are "international students," there is an extensive network of team players involved in transition and orientation to both the island and to Medical School. Student success starts at the beginning and even earlier. The presenter will share their program development and collaboration across campus as well as solutions to improve excitement and participation among student leaders, faculty, and staff.
Embarking on a Global Journey: International Student Orientation.
Lisa Jackson, Interim Director of New Student Programs | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Attending a new university may cause a great deal of anxiety, fear, and uncertainty for many. Add being in a country outside of your home is quite an experience. Whether you're an Asian attending school in the U.S. or an American participating in a study abroad program, learning to navigate a university outside your home country is challenging. Regardless of the duration, you must adapt to a new cultural environment and customs. The presenter will share one of the ways the University of Illinois helps international students transition not only to Illinois but also to the United States.
Join the World University Games - Make Your Campus International: Brainstorm Sustainability Challenge
Mirela Mazalu, Secretary-General | European University College Association
In January 2025, the Italian city of Turin will host the World University Games. Alongside winter sports competitions, university students are invited to cultural competitions to find solutions to the great global challenges of our time. #TO25 BRAINstrorm is an idea challenge where young people generate new proposals on the topics of innovation, digitalization, inclusion, and sustainability. This presentation will explain how you can bring the World University Games to your students and form a team to compete in the Brainstorm Challenge.
InclusiveU: Applying an Anti-Bias Framework to Advance Equity in Higher Education
Sinai Cota, Graduate Advisor and Programs Coordinator | University of San Diego
Presenters will share an anti-bias framework and sample exercises that can be applied to professional development and academic research skills for graduate students. Anchored in four key domains – identity, diversity, justice, and action, – the framework empowers students to appreciate and respect cultural identities (theirs and others), recognize and address bias, foster inclusive academic environments, and become change agents in diverse settings. Additionally, graduate students can confront examples of systemic inequalities together in the classroom, learn to embrace advocacy, and allyship and promote a culture of equity to become empathetic global citizens.
Cultural Programming in a Residential International Environment: An Example from AUBG
Radosveta Miltcheva-Castle, Assistant Dean of Students | American University in Bulgaria
With nearly 50% international students, The American University in Bulgaria has a multicultural student body in which 40 nationalities are represented, providing significant diversity not only in ethnic background and nationality but also in terms of age and economic status. To foster an appreciation for diversity and multicultural competence, the Student Affairs Department provides comprehensive cultural programming. One example is the “Finding Similarities, Appreciating Differences” interactive diversity workshop offered to first-year students, facilitated by Resident Assistants during New Student Orientation. The presenter will share the design, format, and student leader training necessary for delivering the workshop.

Kevin Kruger
NASPA President
Dr. Kevin Kruger draws on more than 40 years of experience in Higher Education. Since 2012, he has served as president and CEO for NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. Dr. Kruger has published and presented nationally and globally on trends in Higher Education, student success, degree-completion strategies for low-income/first-generation students, and change management and leadership in Higher Education.

Sofia Panagiotidou
Career consultant, Head of the Career Services , University of Macedonia (GR)
Sofia Panagiotidou is a passionate, result-oriented Ph.D. researcher and experienced career counselor with more than 26 years of work experience at the career services at the University of Macedonia (GR). She also holds Master degrees in Environmental Education, Communication and Didactics and graduated in Philology and Business Administration. During her work trip she participated in national and international projects as a leader or creative team member.
#Keen careers influencer, coaching people to find their talents to land in their dream job destination.
#Inspiration and motivation constructor
#Branding pioneer (personal and employer)

Dr Taousanis Christos
Founder &Scientific Director EMPLOY EDU Career Counselors
Dr. Christos Taousanis is the Founder & Scientific Director of EMPLOY EDU Career Counsellors. He is one of the most experienced and renowned career counsellors in Greece and one of the few speakers, Europe-wide, who has given more than 1,000 lectures in his 20-year career. He has helped thousands of pupils and students individually in matters of study and career orientation, has introduced and established the interdisciplinary approach to career guidance, and, as a lecturer of career counselling in programs of the University of Piraeus, Aegan, and Democritus Universities, has trained dozens of career guidance counsellors. He has given dozens of TV interviews on academic issues and his articles are published by the country's best-known media. Finally, he is the author of well-known books on career guidance and career counselling.
EARLY BIRD (before 1 September)
EucA/NASPA Members
450 EURO

Non - Members
550 EURO

REGULAR REGISTRATIONS (before 29 September)
EucA/NASPA Members
500 EURO

Non - Members
600 EURO

LATE REGISTRATIONS (from 30 September onward)
EucA/NASPA Members
550 EURO

Non - Members
650 EURO

A 10% discount is applicable if 4 or more participants register from the same Institution. *Discount applicable upon request or notification*
The ECSAS 2023 fee provides full participation in the conference including registration and conference material, 20 hours of international training, 2 lunches, 1 networking dinner and the conference certificate.
To register, please follow these steps:
1. Fill in this form with your contact information.
2. Choose your preferred method of payment, via bank transfer or credit card.
- If you choose the bank transfer (no transaction fees for EU countries), we will send you an invoice and you can proceed with the payment.
- If you choose the credit card option, you can pay directly above by scanning the QR code.
Cancellation Policy
We will fully refund your conference registration fee ONLY if the organizers cancel the conference or the public authorities impose travel restrictions (deny entry into Spain or quarantine measures before arrival).
Please check the On-site Participation Guidelines to know more: https://www.naspa.org/events/global-health-and-safety.
Invitation Letters for VISA Requests
Based on past practices with EU consulates that issue visas for our conferences, we can send you the invitation letter for your visa request only after you register and complete the payment for our conference. Please be assured that if you do not receive a visa, we will provide a full refund.
Once the registration and payment are complete, please write from your institutional email to Mirela Mazalu (m.mazalu@euca.eu) to start the process.
Perrotis College, American Farm School Thessaloniki
Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki
Room Type
King/ Twin garden view room (42 sq.m.)
Single use: €159 / Double use: €189
Stay tax 4,00€ per room per night, is not included in the room rate
Below rates are valid for Early Bookings and are valid upon availability for all confirmed reservations until the 30th July 2023.
Above rates are per room and per night, inclusive taxes (except the stay tax) and VAT and exclusive commission
The breakfast is served in Ambrosia restaurant
In case room service breakfast is consumed, it will be charged extra and according to the a la carte
Wi-Fi up to 10mbps is offered complimentary
Complimentary bottle of mineral water in the room
Complimentary tea & coffee making facilities in the room
Availability of extra rooms is upon request and subject to availability
The hotel offers a complimentary shuttle bus service to/from the airport. Please advise with the flight details
€45, 00 will be applied as a triple occupancy (3rd person, and child above 12 years old) supplement. A maximum of 3 persons per room is allowed. Children under 12 years old sharing one room with their parents are free of charge
Please note that the majority of our rooms are furnished with one king-size bed. Twin-bedded rooms are on request and subject to availability
The above levies are subject to change if there is any change to government tax
The rates above are confidential and are not to be disclosed to any third party without the consent of Hyatt Regency Thessaloniki
We would be delighted to offer the group rate/s prior to and after the main group dates. However additional reservation requests will be subject to availability upon request
Check-in: 3:00pm / Check-out: 11:00am
To make your reservation please email the hotel at elisavet.vachanelidou@hyatt.com or call +30 2310 401 414 and quote "Perrotis College" to receive the discounted price or make it online by using the group code (G-B058)
Instructions for online booking here!
Avalon Hotel Thessaloniki
Below rates are valid for Early Bookings and are valid upon availability for all confirmed reservations.
Economy rooms with window (semi-basement) • Special room price for single use : 59,00€ / night • Special room price for double use : 65,00€ / night
Standard rooms with window (ground floor) • Special room price for single use : 66,00€ / night • Special room price for double use : 73,00€ / night
Standard rooms with balcony (top floor) • Special room price for single use : 77,00€ / night • Special room price for double use : 85,00€ / night
Breakfast and overnight tax are included.
Transfer to/from Thessaloniki SKG airport is included in the room cost (upon request).
To make your reservation please email the hotel at sales@avalonhotel.gr and state the following:
• Arrival / departure dates • Full name • Room Type : single or double • Room Category (eg. economy or standard or standard balcony) • Discount Code: "Perrotis College"
Hotel Nikopolis Thessaloniki
Below rates are valid for Early Bookings and are valid upon availability for all confirmed reservations until the 30th June 2023.
Room cost for November 8 & 9:
Superior rooms with garden view (32 sqm) 150€/room/night for SINGLE USE160€/room/night for DOUBLE USE
Room cost for November 10:
Superior rooms with garden view (32 sqm) 190€/room/night for SINGLE USE - 200€/room/night for DOUBLE USE
Vat 13% and City tax 0.5 %. Occupancy Tax: 4€/room/night
The above prices are BB and include: • American buffet breakfast • free access to the Aqua Club Spa of the hotel (fully equipped Fitness Centre, sauna, hamam, Jacuzzi, heated indoor swimming pool, outdoor pool 1.750 sqm) • free external parking • free wifi everywhere in the Hotel • free early check-in or late check-out upon availability • guest relations service in hotel
To make your reservation please email the hotel at reservations@hotel-nikopolis.com or call +30 2310 401000 and quote "Perrotis College" to receive the discounted price.

cultural life & guided tours
Greek Cooking Lesson
Create, taste & learn the local favorites of Greece. Learn how to cook the most traditional Greek recipes, like ‘Dolmadakia’ (stuffed grape leaves), Tzatsiki sauce and more! Participants will get their hands dirty all while having fun and eating their delicious creations!
Includes: Greek cooking lesson, meal & transportation to & from downtown)
Duration: 3 – 4 hours
Thessaloniki Food Tour – including dinner
An expert tour guide will lead & introduce you to the history & traditions of Greeks through the food culture of Thessaloniki. Discover the hidden treasures of Thessaloniki, visit unique food markets, taste the local delicacies & learn everything there is about Greek products!

Includes: Guided tour, sampling of Greek food products, dinner at a traditional Greek tavern & transportation to & from downtown.
Duration: 4 hours
Cheese Tasting Workshop
What is the difference between feta cheese & white cheese? How about the variety of different yellow cheeses? In this workshop, participants will taste the varieties of Greek cheeses, learn the composition of them and taste the differences!
Includes: Sampling of cheeses and presentation from expert.
Duration: 2 hours

Olive Oil Tasting Workshop
Olive oil is an important component of the Mediterranean diet and is considered the 'liquid gold' of Greece. However, are all olive oils made equal? Do they all taste the same? During this session, the participants will be introduced to the secrets of olive oil tasting and will have the opportunity to try samples from different regions of Greece – including pairings you have never imagined!

Includes: Sampling of olive oil and pairings and presentation from expert.
Duration: 2 hours
Excursion to Gerovassiliou Winery
& Wine Tasting
Gerovassiliou Winery was created in 1981. Due to its unique soil and the planting of Greek and foreign grape varieties, Gerovassiliou has won many distinct awards throughout the year and is known as one of the most popular and prestigious Greek wine businesses. Located in a beautiful landscape in Epanomi, the group will have a guided tour of the winery & museum. At the end of the tour, the group will taste 3 varieties of their wine (cheese platter included).

Includes: Guided tour of Gerovassiliou winery, tasting of wine with cheese platters & transportation to & from the school.
Duration: 3-4 hours