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Updated: Apr 1, 2019

With the aim of creating a pathway to excellence in the European Higher Education Area for talented students EucA promotes international bilateral exchanges among its members.

The exchanges facilitate joint research projects and programmes, and include visits, workshops and meetings with experts and professors.

Last July the Student Union of Warsaw University of Technology met in Milan its counterparties at Politecnico di Milano and Bocconi University, thanks to EucA.

Why it is important to organise bilateral exchanges and how the polish student are carrying on this project with EucA? The answers are in the informal talk we had with Aleksandra Warowna, chairwoman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the WUT Student Union.

“The aim of a student exchange is to share scientific knowledges (for us especially in the fields of aviation and technology), to share best practices and to meet other countries’ cultures” she said. “It offers the opportunity to be informed each others about the different countries' conferences, contests, but also on festivals in the fields of culture, science and art."

We help the students to develop themselves.

Thanks to the bilateral exchanges, the students have opportunities to meet their colleagues from different parts of the world. "It is important for many different aspects: an example is when they start feeling more comfortable speaking in another language, improving their communication skills in an intercultural learning environment. Meeting another culture, the students open their minds and want immediately to get more and more involved in the international affairs of the University. They demonstrate leadership and an entrepreneurial spirit thanks to the interactions created among them and with the foreigners."

Bilateral exchanges are valuable not only for the participant students, but also for our University.

"The opportunity to debate on the rules of the universities and to share opinions about the different universities’ policies helps the administrator to evolve and be updated on the international trends" told us Aleksandra.

WUTs exchanges

Nowadays, the Students Union of Warsaw University of Technology collaborate with Universities in Dusseldorf, Vilnus and Kiev. All this schools are completely different and offer different opportunities. "Last meeting in Milan with the Italian universities, organised with EucA was an incredible chance to see some realities in Italy“, said Aleksandra during our talk. ”Even if our unions have the same aim, we are completely different. However there are good points to develop, in order to create new opportunities and to solve some issues for the students. This is why the day together in Milan was really educational and informational; it showed to both sides many problems to think them over”.

Three representatives of the Student Union of Warsaw University of Technology with some representatives of the Student Union of The University of Milan

The bilateral exchanges promoted by EucA include two visits to give to both parts the possibility to guest once. In 2018- 2019 thanks to the collaboration with SSPW the Halls of Residence may make training exchanges in Poland and focus on the topic of project management. To learn more please contact

Aleksandra Warowna from the Student Union of Warsaw University of Technology talked about possible future activities to develop together

Representatives of the Student Union showing the University of Milan to representatives of the Student Union of Warsaw University


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